My Story

Hi everybody- just wanted to introduce myself to you all! My name is Madeline French and I decided to start MF Designs for a fun and creative outlet. I work for my dad’s lumber distribution company that he started over 30 years ago, so most of my time is spent on muddy job sites with a bunch of guys delivering beautiful cedar boards! I absolutely love being a part of the family business that he started and learning every. single. day., but- I also really love a little gold necklace which you don’t find on most job sites.

I’m the youngest of 4 girls, and my sweet sisters and incredible husband have been helping me a TON along the way. They have also helped shove me out the door (the hardest part with my little indecisive brain )- to create something I’ve always wanted to! I’ve done a little bit of everything- from a degree in kinesiology, to withdrawing from a dental hygiene program with 8 months to go that I found myself not passionate about, to retail, lumber, and beyond- it’s so interesting where life leads you. Finding yourself where you are- exactly where you are meant to be!

Thank you all for being here. It brings me SO much joy to create things for you, and it’s all possible because of YOU. -OXO, mf.